Internet Browsers

This site is best viewed using one of the browsers listed below.

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 9, 10, or 11
  • Firefox*
  • Chrome*
  • Safari 5, 6 or 7

*Due to the frequency in which new versions of these browsers become available, some newer versions of these browsers may not provide optimal viewing results.

To determine what type of browser you are using, go to your browser's Help menu and select the "About [browser]" option. Should you need to download a more recent version of your browser you can download the latest version from its website.

Note, this site requires JavaScript, cookies, and 128-bit Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption or higher to be enabled. Adobe ® Acrobat® Reader is optionally required if you would like to read some forms or save statements to your local computer.

Site Security

All transmitted data, including the login process, is encrypted using a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to ensure that your personal information remains confidential. If you do not take any action on a page for approximately 20 minutes, the website will automatically log you off and you will need to reenter your personal login information.

Accessing Personal Data (Cookies)

You must have cookies enabled to access certain sections of this website. Cookies are small data files that contain site-specific information such as browser preferences, security requirements, and account preferences. They allow this website to verify that you are logged in and that it is safe to display your personal data.

Cookies do not contain any personal information and cannot be used to identify you. If your browser prompts you to accept or reject a cookie, you must accept it in order to access your confidential information.

To enable cookies, follow the instructions listed below for the browser version you are using.

Enabling cookies - in Internet Explorer for Windows

  1. Go to the Tools menu and select Internet Options.
  2. Click on the Privacy tab.
  3. Click on the Default button (or manually slide the bar down to "Medium")
  4. Click OK and then click Close to save new settings and exit.
  5. Click Refresh to view changes made to browser settings.

Enabling cookies - in Mozilla Firefox for Windows

  1. Go to the Tools menu and select Options.
  2. Click on the Privacy tab in the top panel.
  3. Under "Cookies," select the checkbox labeled Accept cookies from sites.
  4. Click OK to save new settings and exit.

Enabling cookies - in Mozilla Firefox for Macintosh

  1. Go to the Firefox drop-down menu.
  2. Select Preferences.
  3. Click on the Privacy tab in the top panel.
  4. Under "Cookies," select the checkbox labeled Accept cookies from sites.
  5. Close window to save new settings and exit.

Enabling cookies - in Safari for Macintosh

  1. Go to the Safari drop-down menu.
  2. Select Preferences.
  3. Click on the Security tab in the top panel.
  4. Under "Accept Cookies," select the option Only from sites you navigate to.
  5. Close window to save new settings and exit.

Adobe Acrobat Reader

Certain portions of this site also require the use of Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to view documents. Please note that older versions of Adobe Acrobat Reader may not display documents correctly. To download the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader, visit, or contact your IT Department.